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Customer Case

W.E.C. Lines realized 80% ROI by replacing legacy AS400 ERP with the Thinkwise Platform

W.E.C. Lines is a dynamic maritime transport organization that specializes in the transportation of containers. With their prior solution, they required agents receiving goods to manually upload manifests. Also, any fees incurred while chartering vessels on other lines required manual input. With Thinkwise, the organization integrated their ERP directly with the agent manifest system, automating the process of uploading, enriching, and calculating fees. Furthermore, the organization grew and added new services in new ports, without additional administrative staff.

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Key Takeaways

W.E.C. Lines

Quantified Benefits

Over three years, W.E.C. Lines expects risk-adjusted total benefits, from administrative efficiency savings, finance efficiency savings and avoided cost of licensing and customization of more than $827,000.

Rapid modernization

W.E.C. Lines was able to develop a new ERP based on its legacy systems and business processes. This ensured that the ERP was modern but retained core features from their discontinued legacy system.


W.E.C. Lines has since added new features and functionalities integrated into the ThinkWEC system, such as a system for tracking the maintenance and repair of their shipping containers.


What W.E.C. Lines says about
working with Thinkwise:

"We have looked at software packages from major vendors. And mostly, we found that they were too big and had too many differences to what we were used to. That would have taken a lot of time to implement, and also to adjust to our needs; and then the training would have cost us more time too. In that respect, Thinkwise has definitely saved us a lot of time and money"