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Flexibility is key – from consumer demand to legislation

External factors drive an industry we all – quite literally – survive on from compliance to all types of regulation, but also rapidly changing consumer trends. The Food & Agri sector operates under intense scrutiny so safety, security, and traceability of the supply chain are vital.

Food tech flyer image

Food production and processing require unique processes, that need a unique solution

The four most important challenges within the food industry, emphasize the need for an up-to-date IT infrastructure. This infrastructure is essential to keep the chain sustainable, remain competitive, and meet the continuously evolving market requirements. These are challenges in relation to traceability, production, article, and inventory control and planning. Process optimization, and agile technology infrastructure that are in line with the organisation are key. The Thinkwise development platform offers this: build agile, slim, secure, and safe critical business applications. But most of all – uniquely fitted around your business.


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What our customers say:

  • “We were faced with a fragmented application landscape with a lot of old software and legacy, in combination with shadow-IT applications and Excel sheets. This led to problems with inefficient processes, double data entry, and a lack of good control information for the company.”
    Frank Wester
    IT Manager Koninklijke Vezet
  • “Standard ERP packages do not provide the specialized functionality that we need at Aartsen. So the best option was to fully redevelop our own core application with the help of Thinkwise."
    Mathijs Buzeijn
    Project Leader FRESH Aartsen

Tried, tested, benchmarked
Machine manufacturer in foodstuffs - global company replacing its ERP and integrating full management information.

Size | FP
lead time | month's
dev effort | hours
team | FTE
Test Screens - light - 3

Market comparison: dev cost 4 times lower & team size 8 times smaller with Thinkwise

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industry software

Model comprehensive enterprise applications.
Perfect fit with your business processes.
Minimal technical knowledge required.

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Enterprise resource planning

Build or extend your own fully integrated ERP system, connecting agents, vehicles, and goods with inhouse finance, logistics, security and more.


Warehouse management system

Managing stock and loads to the right vehicles and transport lines, deploying bots and AI to streamline operations.


Customer relationship management

Instant up-to-date insights as your clients and partners are on the move, securely in one place, accessible for all.

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Thinkwise Platform Experience

Four strategies for digital transformation

Resolve five ERP problems with a low-code platform