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Tech that moves at your speed

Shifting goods safely, and securely at the right time and at a low cost is your trade. Your core IT must do exactly the same with data. The right information at the right time, so that you can offer the most optimal service at a low cost. Today, tomorrow, always. Discover Thinkwise’s AI-Powered model-driven development platform and build the solutions that make you move. Over 10,000 vehicles worldwide ‘drive Thinkwise’, and 700 cargo ships move on our platform, at an average of 15 months payback.


Rapidly modernize your supply chain: Thinkwise Platform for transport & logistics

The constant change in an increasingly competitive world with complex supply chains leaves no room for error. Increased costs of energy and labor force you to adopt a business-critical architecture that is equally agile and low-cost. You must innovate and keep costs under control at the same time.

Implementing real-time tracking systems, optimizing route planning with AI, securing sensitive data in transit, and integrating with diverse supply chain ecosystems are all possible with Thinkwise. Build your own TMS or Crew Management System in record time. We have AI models that calculate the best route, with emission zones, weather, and all in mind. Explore more.


Get our free whitepaper on how you permanently eliminate legacy from your IT landscape!

What our customers say:

  • "The automatic processing of the agents' invoices saves us a lot of time. In the invoice department, this has resulted in a reduction of 2 FTEs. The workload has been reduced and they have time for other activities such as management support. Because management information is integrated in ThinkWEC, separate Excel applications are a thing of the past and our information is always up-to-date."
    Cost and Revenue Controller
    Johan den Hartigh
  • “Without Thinkwise we could never have developed something like the Brexit module so quickly. Using the Thinkwise Platform we can develop software by just focusing on the functionality and the processes. Previously we not only had to test the functionality but also the technology, now we can fully concentrate on functionality. We have not encountered any technical bugs, which is great.”
    Rudy Selles
    IT Manager Verhoek Europe
  • “Thinkwise is an accessible no-nonsense organization that speaks the same language as Wagenborg. Their model-driven development platform is the only one that is mature enough to be able to replace our entire software platform. And because we do everything in one platform, we can now automate many processes and manual operations. It is also far easier to implement new technology such as IoT and AI"
    Berend Hut
    IT Manager Royal Wagenborg

Tried, tested, benchmarked
Sea container transport – part of the world’s largest shipping company, centrally integrated ERP solution for containers shipping with web portal access for global agents.

lead time | month's
dev effort | hours
team | FTE
Test Screens - light - 3

Market comparison: great process productivity, dev cost 7 times lower & team size 10 times smaller with Thinkwise

Model your own
industry software

Model comprehensive enterprise applications.
Perfect fit with your business processes.
Minimal technical knowledge required.

Watch Now.


Enterprise resource planning

Build or extend your own fully integrated ERP system, connecting agents, vehicles, and goods with inhouse finance, logistics, security and more.


Warehouse management system

Managing stock and loads to the right vehicles and transport lines, deploying bots and AI to streamline operations.


Customer relationship management

Instant up-to-date insights as your clients and partners are on the move, securely in one place, accessible for all.

Four strategies for digital transformation

Resolve five ERP problems with a low-code platform