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Embracing new tech without disruption

Legacy software replacement in manufacturing faces compatibility issues, data migration complexities, employee retraining needs, and potential disruptions to production processes.  This should not hold you back. Production plants need innovation: integrating emerging technologies like IoT and AI into existing systems and opening up to a myriad of partners and platforms. Securely, always on. 

Backplate - Manufacturie

Fast track to Industry 4.0:

For an industry focused on shorter lead times and rapidly changing supply chains, speed is of the essence, as is continuity. A standard package with a vast customization process often turns into backward engineering. With Thinkwise you will move forward using sector-specific AI-generated models to replace, transform, and extend your business-critical applications. Build your own ERP, and MRP, and model your unique processes for supply chains and production planning. And all of this in under one year. 

You can convert over 40 legacy technologies for your future-proof architecture. One that offers increased efficiency, reduces error, improves quality and security, and connects you rapidly to any system or platform. Secure, fast, without fail – all built around your business. 


Get our free whitepaper on how you permanently eliminate legacy from your IT landscape!

What our customers say:

  • “Our motto: strength through collaboration, applies to our strategic software partner Thinkwise. Thanks to this successful collaboration, we can continue to innovate successfully in the future.”
    Paul Stoop
    ICT Project manager ERP
  • “By modernizing our software with the Thinkwise Platform we can continuously improve our business processes, and create a seamless integration with other business software and stand-alone applications.”
    Erik van Roemburg
    ICT & Project manager
  • “The Thinkwise Platform enables us to build applications that optimally support our business processes while, at the same time, focusing on expanding and optimizing these processes.”
    John Sangers
    ICT Manager

Tried, tested, benchmarked
Industrial enterprise - extremely large project supporting growth & modernizing ERP 

lead time | month's
dev effort | hours
team | FTE
Test Screens - light - 3

Market comparison: dev cost 2,5 times lower & team size 4 times smaller with Thinkwise

Model your own
industry software

Model comprehensive enterprise applications.
Perfect fit with your business processes.
Minimal technical knowledge required.

Watch Now.


Enterprise resource planning

Build or extend your own fully integrated ERP system, connecting agents, vehicles, and goods with inhouse finance, logistics, security and more.


Warehouse management system

Managing stock and loads to the right vehicles and transport lines, deploying bots and AI to streamline operations.


Customer relationship management

Instant up-to-date insights as your clients and partners are on the move, securely in one place, accessible for all.

Upcoming events:
Thinkwise Platform Experience

Four strategies for digital transformation

Resolve five ERP problems with the Thinkwise platform