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Low-Code Essentials
Technology Replacement
In this paper, we explain why we need to take responsibility and leap forward to create a new standard for sustainable software design.
In diesem Whitepaper erfahren Sie, wie Omoda in 6 Schritten von einer veralteten ERP-Software auf ein Low-Code-Kernsystem migriert hat, damit auch Sie den Wechsel problemlos und erfolgreich vollziehen können.
Find out in this whitepaper how to respond to the developments in the retail market and how to strengthen your position.
In this whitepaper, we first review the various challenges of Progress OpenEdge applications and then offer alternatives to address the core of the problem. Furthermore, you'll discover how you can easily migrate a Progress OpenEdge application to a modern application in a very short time.
Dieses detailierte Whitepaper enthält 45 konkrete Fakten, Vorteile und Funktionen der Thinkwise-Plattform für ISVs, unterteilt in 8 Kapitel.
Im zweiten Quartal 2021 wurde eine Umfrage unter verschiedenen unabhängigen Software-Anbietern (ISVs) in den Niederlanden durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung sind in diesem Bericht zu finden.
Many software vendors are afraid to address the root of the problem: the outdated core system. So what keeps ISVs from modernizing their software products?
In this white paper, you'll discover how low-code allows ISVs to never create new legacy again.
Read everything about modernization of RPG-AS/400 applications with the Thinkwise Platform in this whitepaper.
This whitepaper provides you with tools that will help you take the first step towards modernization of your Uniface applications.
In diesem Whitepaper werfen wir einen Blick auf 6 ERP-Probleme und darauf, wie Sie Low-Code nutzen können, um sie zu lösen.
Read the full audit report on the security of the Thinkwise Low-Code Platform.
This checklist provides you with questions that you can use during the search for a low-code platform for your company.
Read this whitepaper for four strategies for making your organization's IT landscape agile again.
What are the current options to be able to replace RPG applications as quickly and efficiently as possible? Read everything about it in this whitepaper!
Looking for new software for your company? Avoid pitfalls and read the 8 most important points for software selection.
Minimal maintenance and a manageable IT landscape? Read this whitepaper for the steps towards a structural solution.
In this whitepaper, you will read how you can permanently rid yourself of legacy software by using a low-code platform.
Read Forrester's research on the ROI that organizations can achieve by using the Thinkwise Platform.
Download QSM's independent benchmark report for insights on how the development productivity measures up against traditional programming and other low-code platforms.